Mario Petrucci

Mario Petrucci is an acclaimed poet, freelance educator and innovator, physicist, ecologist, Royal Literary Fund Fellow and residency frontiersman, the only poet to have held residencies at the Imperial War Museum and with BBC Radio 3.

‘Reminiscent of e.e. cummings at his best’ (Envoi), Petrucci aspires to ‘poetry on a geological scale’ (Verse).

Four times winner of the London Writers competition, his numerous awards include the Daily Telegraph/ Arvon Prize, the Bridport Prize and a PBS Recommendation. Petrucci is continually active across art forms and disciplines, connecting poetry with film, economics, ecology and science.

He has contributed to such outlets as The Spectator, The Independent, Acumen, Poetry Wales, Poetry London, Stand, The London Magazine, Poetry Review, BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service.

the waltz in my blood is taken from his monumental Anglo-American sequence of ‘modernist marvels’ (Poetry Book Society) entitled i tulips and now on target to reach 1111 poems.

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