Praise and Poems
Hove actually, Brighton virtually was never better encated than the performance of ‘Operation Empathy’ in German and English. Ctvrtecka’s work is emphatically not performance poetry; yet it leaps from page to stage and back. When so much else ends in gutteral spitoon, Ctvrtecka proves home is where the heart attack is.
Gerlad Fieberg, Zeitriss
Ctvrtecka’s finest work isn’t so much eliptical as a scrunch – a brilliant short cut of metaphysical argument, as in ‘Gassed’, If San Fransisco, Brighton’s sister city lend-leased a fault line for a ley line, then Ctvrteck could drop Brighton in a brilliant forgetting of its own hype. There is something pyroplastic and horribly un-English about her.
Simon Jenner, Corpses and Clarinets
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